We are always delighted to receive messages, via our Contact Us form, from people whose relatives have lived in Quethiock in the past. We have had visitors from as far afield as Australia and California who have even enjoyed a visit to St. Hugh’s and the village itself.
Quethiock has a Local History Group and members are only to pleased to help where they can. Some have expertise in family history, working with census returns, newspaper articles and other ‘people centered’ sources of information. Others know more about the buildings and the land and might be able to discover more about where particular families lived. We have a list of church and churchyard memorials and can locate graves where there are headstones or other grave markers. Periodically, some of us visit Cornwall’s Archives at Kresen Kernow where a wealth of documents about Quethiock (and of course the wider Cornwall) are available to view.
No charge is made for our researches, however income at St. Hugh’s does not meet its running costs and any donations would be received with enormous gratitude. These may be made through our Donations page.
We look forward to hearing from you and will be excited to give you any help we can!