chancel roof

Events – further details

Heritage Weekend 21-22 September 2024

A weekend of exhibits and experiences to explore and celebrate the heritage of Quethiock and the surrounding area!
Saturday 11-4:30pm – St. Hugh’s Church and the Parish Hall. Parking at Quethiock School.
Sunday 2-5pm – St. Hugh’s Church ONLY. Parking at Quethiock School.

SATURDAY: Local heritage organisations, including Saltash Heritage Centre, Liskeard Museum, St. Neot History Society, Caradon Archaeology, Old Cornwall Society and Morvleydh Viking Re-enactment Group (YES there were Vikings in Cornwall….contemporary with our own churchyard cross!), will be joining Quethiock Local History Group with a variety of displays, stands and activities. There will also be Divining, Geology, Photographs, Aspects of Quethiock history, Bottles and other collectables connected with the parish as well as Village and Church Trails (including children’s). Local crafts will also be represented. The Cornwall Finds Liaison Officer will be with us so bring along any found objects you would like identified. St. Hugh’s cafe will be providing light refreshments and afternoon teas. Lunches available at the Parish Hall.
SUNDAY: A heritage themed Morning Worship at 10am, followed at 2pm by a detailed but informal Tour of St. Hugh’s, highlighting aspects of historical interest to Quethiock and the surrounding area. 3-5pm St. Hugh’s Cafe will be open for cream/cake teas, to the accompaniment of live music from Joe and Angela.

Will Keating Candle-lit Concert
St. Hugh’s Church, Quethiock, 7:30pm 24th November

“Award winning singer song-writer Will Keating, also one of the members of popular Cornish male singing group The Oggymen, has wowed audiences far and wide since embarking on a solo career in 2017. Two sold out headline performances at the Iconic Minack Theatre in 2020 and 2021, cemented Will’s reputation as one of Cornwall’s stand out performers. Will is a community based musician, often working with Primary Schools, and attending local events & festivals. Will Keating will invite a special guest to each concert to perform with him, showcasing their talent and providing a unique evening of entertainment to remember.”

Tickets are £10 in advance from Mary-Ann (01579 344259) or £12 on the door. There will be a delicious Cornish themed light supper in the interval for £5 payable on the night

Great acoustics, beautiful candle-lit church, fabulous music, wonderful company….an event not to be missed! Please book tickets now.