How to support St. Hugh’s..
Below are a few suggestions as to how to become involved:
Come to a service | Look for service times on this website, church notice board, in the Quethiock Newsletter, in “Hello from St. Hugh’s”. Perhaps come with a friend or someone who already attends. |
Visit the church for private prayer and reflection | The church is open everyday, so just walk in. |
Visit the church to discover interesting architecture and stories | The church is open everyday, so just walk in. There is a free guide to St. Hugh’s inside the church. |
Help with managing the churchyard | Visit the Contact Page on this website for information as to how to get in touch and find out more. |
Help with flowers in the church – honestly, NO previous experience necessary! | Visit the Contact Page on this website for information as to how to get in touch and find out more. |
Help with maintenance of the church fabric | Visit the Contact Page on this website for information as to how to get in touch and find out more. |
Volunteer to join the cleaning rota, or to be a ‘reserve’ cleaner | Visit the Contact Page on this website for information as to how to get in touch and find out more. |
Donate to support the upkeep of the church | See below for details on how to financially support St. Hugh’s. |
Donate to charities such as Foodbanks and Baby Basics | Visit websites for Callington and Liskeard Foodbanks or Baby Basics to find out what is required. Donate money through the website, donate at supermarkets. Items left in the church will be delivered as required. |
Bake for church cake stalls at Quethiock Farmer’s Markets and the Horticultural Show | Bring bakes to the stall at the Parish Hall/Field. |
Buy from church cake stalls | Look out for notices about when sales are being held. |
Volunteer to help with Ploughman’s & Puds – either serving or providing a pud | Visit the Contact Page on this website for information as to how to get in touch and find out more. |
Help with fund raising | Visit the Contact Page on this website for information as to how to get in touch and find out more. |
Suggest and/or help organise community events that could be held in the church | Visit the Contact Page on this website for information as to how to get in touch. |
Pass “Hello from St. Hugh’s” on to someone else who hasn’t received a copy | Look out for the leaflet which is delivered in alternate months with the Quethiock Parish Newsletter. Spare copies of “Hello” are available in the church. |
Renew connection with family and friends for whom St. Hugh’s had significance in life events, for example baptisms, weddings, funerals, burials, relatives who moved away either recently or long ago in the past | Share this website with friends and family. Use the Contact Us form to ask for further information and make connections. |
Other suggestions | Visit the Contact Page on this website for information as to how to get in touch and put forward other ideas. |